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The first few months (with DSRL Camera).

3 Images in this post.

Below, in order, are the first astrophoto's which I took using my Nikon D5100 DSLR, which isn't really up to the task of faint objects. These initial images we very difficult to produce without boosting the noise in the image, with the exception of the Orion Nebula which due to being quite bright was a reasonable target for this camera. Still, it's good to see how you started and see how you improve over time.

M42 - The Orion Nebula

March 2020

This was my first image I ever took and the results blew me away, even with a limited camera I never expected this to come out so well.

M45 - The Pleiades

March 2020

This was my second ever image, I barely managed to bring out the faintest hint of nebulosity around the bright stars.

Barnard 33 (Horse Head Nebula) + NCG 2024 (The Flame Nebula)

March 2020

This was my third + forth photo, took me two attempts to get anything remotely visible with my DSLR without a ton of noise.


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