Click on the image to view full size! Image Acquisition Details: 54x 10s Red 57x 10s Green
54x 10s Blue
Total Integration time: 27.5 Minutes.
• Explore Scientific ED127CF APO telescope
• ZWO ASI 294 MM Pro Camera @ -10 c
• ZWO Red, Green, Blue filters
• Skywatcher EQ6-R mount
• Guided using ASI 290MM + Off axis Guider • ASIair Pro.
About this image and M57:
M57, also known as the Ring Nebula, is a planetary nebula that was formed approximately 1,600 years ago, give or take 200 years or so. The nebula has been formed by a star shedding it's outer layers into space as the star itself becomes a white dwarf.
Currently the ring nebula is very bright, the below images being single monochrome subs of just 10 seconds in length. But as the centuries pass by, the ring of gases will expand and become dimmer and dimmer until eventually it becomes indistinguishable from the background of space. The universes version of blowing smoke rings :o)
Currently the ring nebula is very bright, the below images being single monochrome subs of just There is also a very faint shell of ionised hydrogen gas surrounding the main ring of the nebula which I did not capture this time but using a Ha filter I should be able to capture this and then add it to the image later on.
Where in the sky is it?
The Ring Nebula can be found in the constellations of Lyra, check the sky map below (click to expand).