Click on the image to view full size! Image Acquisition Details: 165x 30s Luminance + 30x 30s Red + 30x 30s Green + 30x 30s Blue subs: total 2.1 hrs.
• Explore Scientific ED127CF APO telescope
• Optalong L-Pro Filter
• ZWO ASI 183 MM Pro Camera @ -10 c
• ZWO L, R, G and B filters
• Skywatcher EQ6-R mount
• Guided using ASIair Pro.
About M3
M3 is a globular cluster in the constellation of Canes Venatici and is one of the largest and brightest globular clusters which is made up of around 500,000 stars with a diameter of approximately 180 light years. It is estimated to be around 11.4 billion years old. M3 lies around 34,000 light years from earth and is pretty isolated as it is not located in the main galactic plain, in fact it 'floats' about 31,000 light years high above the galactic plain.
M3 is considered a metal rich globular cluster, meaning that it contains quite a high abundance of heavy elements.
Where in the sky is it?
M3 is located in the in the constellation of Canes Venatici.