Click on the image to view full size! Image Acquisition Details:
• 43 x 120s Luminance
• 9x 120s Red
• 10x 120s Green
• 9x 120s Blue
Total Integration time: 1.5 hrs.
• Explore Scientific ED127CF APO telescope
• ZWO ASI 294 MM Pro Camera @ -10 c
• ZWO Ha, Sii, Oiii, R filters
• Skywatcher EQ6-R mount
• Guided using ASI 290MM + Off axis Guider • ASIair Pro.
About the Iris Nebula:
The Iris nebula is a reflection nebula located in the constellation of Cepheus, at it's centre it contains an open star cluster, listed as NGC 7023. The nebula lies approximately 1,300 light years from earth and has a diameter of 6 light years.
A reflection nebula, as the name implies, is one where the light of the nearby stars is being scattered by the dust and gas of the nebula, but where there is not enough energy from those stars in not sufficient enough to ionise the gas, therefore it does not emit it's own light.
Reflection nebula tend to be quite light in colour where illuminated and often are bluish white in colour, although this depends on the temperature (and thereby the colour) the the stars that are illuminating the dust and gas.
Where in the sky is it?
The Iris Nebula (C4) can be found in the constellations of Cepheus, check the sky map below (click to expand).